Saturday, May 30, 2009

Feeling uninspired and wondering when the payoff will come!

Hey there...
We're supposed to be there, ready to launch in two days, but we have or work cut out for us. I don't know what I should be doing, but I know there's a lot that needs to be done! 
Ahh, where to start...
This past week I've been taking a few online marketing/blogging seminars to get us geared up and ready to face the real world. Mostly, I've been trying to get the low done on how to conquer this whole Google SEO and Google Adwords marketing campaign. Things have changed recently (in April), but I've had to get a crash course on the whole concept of it... and it's been very useful. 

I would like some more tips and reassurance that all this hard work is going to payoff soon. It's hard to see it at this end and now, when there seems to be a lot hanging in the mist... but I am confident at the same time.  Just have to figure out this whole blogging stuff and get really good people onto our site. 

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